The purpose of this rank are to help investors protect their investment by knowing the risk associated with buying into livepeer at any given moment. This can be helpful when deciding whether or not you want to buy more because it will tell you what level of protection your current holdings have against fluctuations in price.
Livepeer (LPT) has been relatively average in terms of volatility when compared to other cryptocurrencies. So far Sunday, the crypto has fallen 10.12% to $26.12.

Moderately Volatile
InvestorsObserver gives Livepeer a moderate volatility rank of 38, placing it in the bottom 38% of cryptos on the market.
The Volatility Gauge tracks this makes its score defined by recent trends, rather than a bad day.
LPT’s moderate volatility reading pairs with a low reading on the Risk/Reward Gauge, meaning that the token has moderate price swings and is well protected from price manipulation.
Livepeer price is in a good position going forward. With support near $24.46 and resistance near $26.68. This leaves Livepeer with room to run before facing selling pressures.
What is a Token?
Tokens are digital assets that exist on another cryptocurrency’s blockchain.